Seismic Rodents


Seismic Rodents
rating: +7+–X
Item: "Seismic Rodents"
Size: Average instance is 8.7 cm length from nose to tail, 17 g weight
Usage Precautions: Usage must be guided by specially trained teams to prevent difficulty in coordination of specimens.
Handling Precautions: Instances of the rat are usually docile, however, testing of 30 instances reveal that 60% have rabies.
Location: <CLASSIFIED>, Brazil
Prior to the usage of the Seismic Rodent swarm, a geological and structural analysis of the target is required to identify the level of overall susceptibility. Earthquake resistant engineering, particularly in first world nations, is highly effective mitigating against the direct effects of the swarm. However by levering secondary effects such as Tsunamis or sinkhole generation many targets can still be successfully engaged. Complex constructs such as bridges, dams, nuclear power plants, and foundation facilities almost always have areas of structural weaknesses which can be exploited if this information can be obtained by the Insurgency.
At Site-79 located in Siberia Russia, there are seven colonies of rodents, the availability of each swam varies based on previous casualties and other conditions. Transport of each swarm requires sedition of the animals using a Chloralose based drug. Agents are advised to follow the specific dosing directions provided during the field handoff procedure.
The swarm should be deployed no greater than one kilometer from the intended target to prevent fatigue. Items are to be lead to point of activation by specialized teams equipped with low-frequency-emitting devices, known as thumpers, following the protocols included with that equipment. Monitoring of the devices and rodents is required all times using the affixed asset recovery systems. After 60 seconds of signal loss, the asset assurance system will terminate unresponsive units to prevent capture or study.
After usage, the surviving instances must be returned to their enclosures at Site-79 for recovery and repopulation. Under no circumstances should the same swam be used again until approved by the Site-79 staff. The loss of the ‘King’ rodent should be avoided at all costs and will result in disciplinary behavior.
Item are to be kept at Site-79 in seismically engineered standard enclosure areas (called 'pits'), power provided, monitoring and recovery of individuals. These pits are supplied with a humidifier, ventilation, automated food dispensers and one airborne Sentry Drone for security purposes. The pits are built to withstand earthquakes and seismic disturbances of Grade IX Mercalli, due to disasters in previous constructions (see Incident 162/122).
The items are a rodent species which is thought to have evolved from the genus Rattus. The Site-79 team refers to these creatures as Rattus Mico, meaning vibrating rat. The species was observed to be able to produce Grade VI Mercalli seismic disturbances by building an acoustic resonance wave between the creatures while attempting to dig out their burrows. These creatures have an organ superficially similar to that of the cetacean melon typically found in dolphins. This organ acts as a sound lens, yet is made out of an unidentified protein.
After several generations of artificial selection, insurgency scientists using genetic modification, hormone therapy, and animal husbandry techniques have been able to improve upon these creatures who can now collectively produce Grade IX disturbances. Future iterations of the animal have been speculated to be able to reach up to Grade XI.
The group has a hierarchical organization divided by the different frequencies emitted. Found in the outermost area of the swarm are the 'soldiers', which emit the highest frequency sound vibration. This sound is siren like and highly repellent to creatures who can hear. While loud it is also the least effective in creating the development of a resonance wave which will produce seismic events. The Site-79 cell minimizes the number of creatures of this type in the swarm, but retains a small number as social cohesion within the swarm decreases without any present.
The central mass of the swarm consists of ‘workers’, which emit a subsonic sound which while loud is not within the range of human hearing. If physically isolated the vibration from a single animal is enough to produce a grade II or grade III vibration. Any instance unable to produce a grade II vibration at childhood or a grade III vibration at adulthood are terminated by the Site-79 team.
At the core of the central mass is the ‘King’, which is capable of a wide range of sound frequencies including all of those within the range of the workers or soldiers. Workers and soldiers communicate using vibrations, but the different frequency waves of the two subspecies makes cause them unable to communicate with each other. Without the King the complex communication required to produce the seismic resonance wave can’t be effectively created. The process by which Kings are produced is unknown, but it has been observed to take several years to occur when a King is needed.

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