Chris Mohler
rating: 0+x
Item: Orpheus's Flute
Size: Length: 26 inches; Width: .75 inches
Living: No
Sentient: No
Location: Military Base: One
Reported Anomaly: Turns living creatures into stone


Orpheus's Flute on its pedestal in Military Base: One, Research Wing, Containment Cell Three


The item is used in attaches on Foundation Areas and Sites. Prior to deployment, any Insurgency personnel working near the item, excluding the user, must be wearing GG Masks. In the event an Insurgency member is not wearing one and hears the item, their body is to destroyed via the God Destroyer Prototype Gun. Any none Insurgency member that hears the item is to be ignored unless told other wise. Any experiments involving the item are to take place in a 100% soundproof room.


The item is stored in an soundproof sub-cell inside Military Base: One, Research Wing, Containment Cell Three. This unit is padded with soundproof materials. Entrance to the object's chamber requires Beta-level authorization. The object is monitored and guarded by three security personnel on a weekly rotation.

The item is a flute of unknow age and made of silver. When played all living creatures within earshot of it will turn to stone anywhere from 3 minutes to 5 hours. After the creature returns to its normal state, it will have no memory of the time in which it was stone.


As of now, there are only six locations where the flute is aloud to be tested, besides Foundation and enemy sites. 2019 update.

Location Description Effect
A testing chamber First evaluation of properties. Standard research unit. When played, the researchers observing were turned to stone. They turn back to normal humans.
Foundation Site-19 First deployment. Ordered by Alpha Commander ██████. Dry cold. when used humans and anomalous entities within ear shot turned to stone. Many of the stone entities were transported to Mass Storage Base: Eight.
New soundproof testing chamber at Research Facility-22 Successful Test of the item. When the item was played, the test subject was turned to stone and the chamber was left perfectly in tacked.

After this successful test five more of these rooms were built in other Insurgency sites.

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